Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

Hope you and Yours has a wonderful and SAFE Halloween!!


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Another Busy week in the books we had fire prevention at Norris School with our neighboring Fire depts, It was a good time.. Even saw Smokey Bear!! Had Lunch with my Daughter Miss P during my break! Here are a few pics..

Me with the kids.. talking about Stop Drop and Roll

Our Star Care 5 Helicopter

Showing the kids about Transporting with injuries

Gotta Just Love Smokey

Miss P , Me  and a few of her friends for Lunch!!

A Thank you from the Kindergarden!


Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I know it's been a few days since I have written anything, so now that I have a little downtime.. I will give you the rundown of my week so far.
Thursday.. We had a Mutual Aid Fire call for a field that caught fire.. Hallam, Firth, Claytonia, Southwest, Holland, and Hickman, all got called in to help..
I am sure I am forgetting another Fire Company..but it was so hectic that I don't even remember all who responded, I got to drive the grass rig and learned to even go through a Huge ditch.. ( that I was sure I was going to get stuck in.. or wreck the truck going through) but I managed to get through it..
I did however manage to get a few photos when it wasn't so intense.. and I had a couple minutes to document it.

Saturday.. I was at Roca Berry Farm for my Cuties for a Cause event.. we photographed 10 kids that day!! WOW!!! It was a blast.. even with the intermittent rain!!

Sunday.. I had a couple Photo shoot.. that went fairly well.. and we had fun doing it. took them into Lincoln, the stadium, and then whisked them off to the winery to finish off the day..

Monday.. Mr. J Broke his nose.. doing what I have told them NOT.. NOT, NOT to do a million times..
No more than ONE on the trampoline at a time.. he was bounced.. and a 135 lb child went flying into the net and it's supporting pole..
Thank Goodness for the safety net.. as I am very glad we made that investment.. as I am sure Mr. J would have broke something more than his nose.

Monday night.. Board meeting at the fire Dept.. and in a flash I was back home to edit photos.. and Ice Mr. J through the evening.

Tuesday.. Kept Mr. J home, Senior Photo shoot.. and then off to the Fire Dept for training class..

Can you say WHEW??? One tired mamma here.. and I don't see any end in sight this week for me..
4 more photo shoots this week and then (crossing fingers) some down time for a couple days!


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Miss A, Sick in bed
Busy week already here, So far we have 3 Senior Photo shoots this week.. and 5-6 lined up for Cuties this weekend.. To top it off.. Miss A is sick.. Miss P... Hormone City.. Mr. J. Not willing to do much around here to help out.. and Me.. well I think I am going to just pull out all my hair.. :)
I don't remember the children being this whiny when they were sick as children.. Grr.. It seems as they get bigger... They get grumpier.. 
But there is good news.. Miss Anne.. (our Puppy) Has landed a new home.. and I think that she is going to be very happy there.. a farm with lots of room to run!! YAY!!.
And as You can see here..Miss P is about the only one ready for school.. Mr J well.. Not so much, and Miss A.. In bed... 

Miss P.. Off to school

Wish Me Luck today!!! :)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Whew What a Weekend..

As You all know it was Homecoming week for my Daughter Miss A. and wow did they have a good tme..

She spent the day with her friends getting ready while I had photoshoots.. and then ran over to where she was to take pics before they all headed off to the dance.

Here are a few that I will share...