Thursday, December 15, 2011

12 days of christmas give away!!

You still Have UNTIL Midnight!!! Get your entry's in for our 12 days of Christmas Giveaway!!! Enter here!!

Winners will be announced first to our NEWSLETTER subscribers.. and on Friday evening on Facebook!! Good-luck!!

(Newsletter subscribers... It will go out tomorrow morning!! )


Monday, December 5, 2011

Don't Forget to get your entry in!! They do add up and you can do them EVERY DAY!!! I have a dded a few new things as well!! Good Luck!! Today's winner will be announced the following day at Noon!!
12 Days of Christmas Give Away!!!
Good Luck to All!!


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge: Days 27-29

Day 27 Daily Routine~ You kidding me?? I have 3 teenagers! :)

Day 28 Night time~
Shhhh Miss P Sleeps... 

Day 29 Light~
My Heart.. My Life


Saturday, November 26, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge: Days 18-26

 Day 18 Something New ~ 
Hair and Nails done 

Day 19 Best Friend~
My Best Friend Janis and I
We've been friends since we were kids

Day 20 Seasonal ~
My Children's Stockings

Day 21 Where You Sleep~
Our House

Day 22 Clothing~ 

What I like to wear to photo shoots..
 Comfortable yet  casual
What I wear for Fire calls.. 

Day 23 In your closet.. ~ Hmmmm 

My Dream Closet 

Day 24 Gratitude ~ 
I am grateful for my Children

Day 25 Artwork~ 
Taken By My daughter Miss A

Day 26 Transportation ~

One of my favorites!! Helicopter!!! 

Grand Canyon By Helicopter

Hoover Dam By Helicopter
Isn't the city Pretty?

Lynn and I going to the grand canyon by helicopter


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 17 ~Memories

Seems Just like Yesterday... They were chasing frogs, snakes, building forts.playing house, and Beanie babies.. or hunting down yet another adventure... 

My Son Mr j & My Daughter Miss P
My Niece Miss T & My Daughter Miss A
Mr J, Miss A, Miss P
Mr J

Miss P & Miss A

Miss P, Mr J, Miss A

And today My Beautiful Children seem to have grown up.. Careful mamma's out there. It happens in a blink of an eye!. 

Miss A
Miss P

Mr J

*kids.. Just a note I love you very much.. 
and I am always here to hold your hand.. even when you think you have outgrown it. ♥ Mom

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day's 10-16

Day 10~ Nature

Day 11~ Something Old

Day 12~ Hands

Day 13~ Written Words

Day 14~Movement

Day15~ Technology
Cant Live without these

Day 16~ Animals.. 

My Boys.. Morris & Dusty


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Days 5-9

Day 5~ Morning Sky... 
Morning Sky I captured This Fall

Day 6~ Books
Favorite Series

Day 7 ~ Something Funny

My comedian Miss P

Day 8~ Favorite Color
Yellow!! I Love Yellow :) 
Follows the sun as it grows, adoration, haughtiness, devotion. "I don't think there's anything on this planet that more trumpets life that the sunflower. For me that's because of the reason behind its name. Not because it looks like the sun but because it follows the sun. During the course of the day, the head tracks the journey of the sun across the sky. A satellite dish for sunshine. Wherever light is, no matter how weak, these flowers will find it. And that's such an admirable thing. And such a lesson in life." - Chris's (Helen Mirren) comment in the movie, "Calendar Girls.

Day 9~ Inspiring person

My Mom's~ Both have made me who I am today.
Mom Jen was there to wipe the tears and kiss the scrapes.. Gave me guidance, and grace, told me the truth, Helped me to understand the underdog and have a compassionate heart for them. She taught me to be there to lend a hand for a help up.. and not a hand out. She taught me right from wrong, to stand tall and be myself no matter what others thought of me. Because at the end of the day I was the one who had to answer to God. She taught me the meaning of love and respect and that it doesn't matter who you fall in love with.. as long as you follow your heart. Above all she taught me that FAMILY Matters.. It's all we have that we cannot change. She is my rock.. always has been.. Always will Be.

My Mother Donna Is one of my best friends today, She taught me that even in tough times  there is always hope, there are always dreams to be dreamed.. and if you wait patiently enough that waiting pays off. She taught me the meaning of hard work.. and to always never expect things to be handed to me. that if there was something I wanted done.. or needed to get yp and get it done for myself. She believed in me. told me that i could be anything I wanted to be. That I was destined to do great things. She didn't have it easy when I was young.. but I know that she did the best that she could do and that she loved me very much!!  
Mamma's.. I love you.. I know I don't tell you often enough.. but I do!! And I thank you for making me the strong woman that I am today

My Mother Donna
My Mamma Jen


Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 4

Day one Favorite Food- 
Ben & Jerry's

Day 2- Smile 
My Children

Day 3- Happiness

Day 4- Leaves


Thursday, November 3, 2011


30 Day Photo Challenge: Gratitude

For the next 30 days, I'm going to be taking photos of the items listed above -- and I'd like you to too! There's no real "challenge" to it; it's mostly just a way to motivate you (and me!) to stay in the present and focus on things that we're grateful for. All you need is a camera, the list, and some imagination to participate. 

I will post today's photo later on!! :) 


Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!

Hope you and Yours has a wonderful and SAFE Halloween!!
